GotEth is migrating to Clickhouse and we have designed a migration process for those users who want to migrate their existing data in PSQL to Clickhouse.


While we want to provide the most useful and integral migration process, there are always certain conditions out of our hands. This is why several recommendations should be followed:


Keep in mind the largest tables in the database are t_validator_rewards_summary and t_transactions. These take most of the migration time, especially when having historical data.

Our experience

We host a database with 6750 epochs of data, which escalates to around 1TB of data. The migration of this database has taken almost 8 hours, While the rest of the tables take a couple of minutes to migrate, the above mentioned tables take 99% of the time.

This migration was done with a remote PSQL server and a local Clickhouse server.



Please be aware that the migration process needs to be done with v3.0.0. After that you can now upgrade to any above version and database updates will be done automatically.

Clickhouse installed

sudo apt-get install -y clickhouse-server clickhouse-client


curl <> | sh && sudo ./clickhouse install

Old PSQL server

You will also need access to your old PSQL database. This is, at least being able to connect and read the tables you wish to migrate.

The migration steps

1. Initial setup